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$12,000 Funding Award Gifted to Vermont Roots and Wings Alliance


November 5, 2021 Burlington, Vermont - Realizing the mission of Vermont Roots and Wings Alliance is becoming a reality!

On Tuesday, November 2, 2021, our board president, Mickey Wiles enthusiastically shared the news that the Hoehl Foundation generously donated an overwhelming $12,000 in foundational funding to the Vermont Roots and Wings Alliance capital campaign!

This donation is the first significant investment VTRWA has received, and we are deeply moved. This is a matching amount to the forfeited funds our organization recently received, from one of the associated criminal cases. Investments like these will be utilized to ensure that gaps identified by respective treatment teams will be filled in three distinct areas: participant support, program quality and expansion. “I’m quite touched,” shares Mickey Wiles, “this gift is the foundation we needed to confidently approach other investors and invite their support of Vermont Roots and Wings Alliance. We are most grateful to the Hoehl Family Foundation’s belief and commitment to our mission.”

Treatment Courts are a crucial component of Vermont’s innovative, effective approach to combating substance use disorders. Vermont’s Treatment Courts combine the utilization of evidence-based substance use disorder, mental health and other identified treatment options, specific to each participant, in concert with judicial supervision - this is the foundation-stone to success for individuals meeting criteria to be invited to participate with this program.

Many Treatment Court participants' lives today are impaired by the impact of generational substance use disorders and poverty. The Treatment Court docket is a highly structured, intentionally demanding program requiring participants to prioritize treatment above any and all other life demands. There are many current gaps that Vermont Roots and Wings intends to fill through three distinct programs to maintain best practices: participant support, program quality and contingency management.

Treatment Court is the only long-term, supported recovery program, with judicial oversight and accountability Vermonters have access to. Currently, Treatment Courts operate dockets in Chittenden, Rutland and Washington Counties, with Windsor County operating a DUI docket. Franklin County oversees a Family Recovery Court Program.

Learn more by following the links below, or learn more by giving us a call - we would be happy to share more on who we are and what we endeavor to do.

The mission of Vermont Roots and Wings Alliance is to improve the outcomes of Treatment Courts in Vermont by providing support for basic needs and access to resources that will assist participants suffering from the impact of systemic poverty, generational trauma, and substance use disorders by helping remove the barriers to participating in Treatment Court. Additionally, we will increase awareness and support for treatment courts through community outreach and legislative advocacy.


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